Page 27: The link to the Ship Station List, found in paragraph two under the heading ‘Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)’, has been updated to:
Page 25: Under ‘Type Approval’, the first paragraph (‘Marine radio equipment...’) has been replaced with the following text:
Marine radio equipment offered for sale in the UK must conform to the technical requirements of the Radio Equipment Direction (RED) and should carry an identification mark similar to the one shown below.
Page 25: Under ‘Type Approval’, a new paragraph has been added before the paragraph ‘Second-hand sets...’.
Page 32: Sentence one, the text in brackets ‘(as per instructions given in M Notice 1646)' has been removed.
Page 33: Sentence one, the text in brackets ‘(as per instructions given in M Notice 1646)' has been removed.
Reprinted August 2022
Page 16: The section under 'The Distress Message' sub-heading has been updated. The 'Total number of persons on board' information has been moved to be included within the line 'Other useful information'.
Page 17: A new paragraph has been added within the 'Receiving a Distress Message' section.
Page 17: The first and second lines of the example Coastguard response have been updated. A line has also been removed.
Page 17: The paragraph under the sub-heading 'Using DSC to Send a Mayday Relay' has been updated.
Page 18: The section under 'The Mayday Relay Call and Message' sub-heading has been updated. The 'Number of people on board' information has been moved to be included within the line 'Other information'.
Page 18: The paragraph following the Mayday Relay call and message example has been updated.
Page 18: The second line of the repeated Mayday Relay call has been updated.
Page 27: Link '' has been updated to ''.
No content changes.
No content changes.
Page 11: A new paragraph has been added to the bottom of this page regarding antenna installation.
Throughout: Some of the illustrations within this book have been updated to amend several of the boat call signs.
No content changes.