Planning and Licensing

How the RYA supports members and affiliates with planning and licensing issues, and how we respond to marine licence applications.

Our Planning and Sustainability Team represents the interests of boaters in responding to marine licence applications that may affect our members, and supports members in making their own applications. We do this while supporting the need to increase renewable energy and reduce biodiversity impacts.

For further information or specific advice, please email us at

Planning and Licensing
Marine Licensing

How does marine licensing work in the UK?

Monitoring Marine Planning & Licensing

How the RYA represents boaters' interests by responding to Marine Licence and Town & Country Planning Act applications

Planning Advice

How our team can help your club with planning applications, and responding to issues that may impact on your ability to use your site.

Environmental Designations

A guide to the various environmental designations that you may come across when boating. MPAs, SSSIs, SPAs, SACs, MCZs and more...

Coastal Atlas of Recreational Boating

The UK Atlas of Recreational Boating is used by developers and the RYA to assist with planning and licensing. The data can be licensed from the RYA.

Guidance Notes

RYA Position Papers and Guidance Notes on Planning and Environmental matters.

Offshore Renewables and Aquaculture

We are seeing an increasing number of licence applications for aquaculture projects, often close inshore and within recreational cruising areas

Current Activities

Marine License applications that the RYA is responding to in order to represent our members' interests

Renewable Energy Maps

Links to various websites that show the current status of offshore renewables projects.

Tidal Energy

Information on tidal energy technology and the RYA's current position statement.

Wave Energy

Information on wave energy technology and the RYA's current position statement.

Wind Energy

Information on offshore wind and the RYA's current position statement.

Sustainable Boating

Find out about environmental issues that impact boating and sustainable best practice on and off shore.