The RYA Cymru Wales Board operates within the governance of the Association. Its role is to supervise the management of the Association’s business and to discharge the responsibilities of the directors under the Companies Act.
The Chair and Senior Independent Director of RYA Cymru Wales and the Chief Executive sit alongside a further three directors who are appointed on the basis of personal competencies and a further four through an open recruitment process.
Its workings are reported to the members and stakeholders of the Association through the Directors’ Report in the annual report and accounts document and at the Annual General Meeting. RYA Cymru Wales is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is managed by a Board of Directors. The Board meets formally 4 times a year to look at the strategic direction of the RYA Cymru Wales. The Chief Executive Officer reports directly to the Board and is managed by the Chair.
(As of 1st January 2025)
Additionally, Laurence Roberts acts as the Company Secretary