First Aid Instructor revalidation


Thank you for choosing to revalidate your First Aid Instructor certificate. 

Revalidation is a three step process:

Step 1: Check your eligibility

In order to revalidate, you will need to hold an acceptable type of in-date First Aid certificate and also be a member of the RYA. If you are outside the UK, you may be a member of the National Governing Body for boating in your own country.

Accepted first aid certificates for First Aid Instructors

You must hold one of the following certificates:

  • First Aid at Work, meeting the requirements of the UK Health and Safety Regulations and issued by a UK Awarding Organisation or voluntary accreditation scheme (including voluntary aid organisations and trade bodies), or
  • STCW Proficiency in Medical First Aid issued or updated in the last 5 years, or
  • A licence to practice in the UK as a Doctor, Nurse or Paramedic.

Non-UK equivalent qualifications may be considered on a case by case basis.

RYA membership

RYA instructor certificates can only be issued to those who hold membership of either the RYA or their own country's National Governing Body for boating.

As an RYA instructor, you receive a huge range of membership benefits and discounts, including a special 5 year membership package for the price of 3 years. If you would like to join the 5 years for the price of 3 deal please call 0044(0) 2380 604355, or you can join annually.


Once you have submitted the form above you should receive an email within five working days with details of how to access the course.

Step 3: Check your details

In order to check your details you will need to sign in or register.

If you already have an account, please sign in at the top of the page and go to 'MyRYA Account'. In the 'Update your Details' section you can then check that we hold current address and contact details for you, and update them if needed.

If you don't already have an account, select 'My RYA' at the top of the screen and then select the 'Register' button. You will be guided through the process of creating an account and linking the account to your membership/reference number. If you need assistance with this, please read these help notes

Once you are signed in, in the 'Update your Details' section you can check that we hold current address and contact details for you, and update them if needed. You can also see whether you hold a current RYA membership.